Criminal Law and Corporate Criminal Procedure
Understand what we do and how we can help you.
Consultative and preventive advice to companies, aiming to comply with the laws in force at the federal, state and municipal levels ( Compliance Policy );
Performance in police investigations and prosecutions;
Defense and representation of legal entities and individuals linked to legal entities in the criminal sphere.
Legal assistance in cases that investigate crimes that occur in the business environment, such as: crimes against the environment; crimes against the tax order; crimes against the social security order; crimes against the financial system; crimes against consumer relations; crimes against economic order; crimes against the capital market; crimes against intellectual property; money laundering; crimes against the Public Administration; bankruptcy crimes; crimes against work organization; crimes against public health, among other crimes provided for in the Penal Code and Extravagant Legislation;
Aid to companies in the investigation, repression and policy to combat fraud;
Legal audit in the criminal field;
Negotiation of leniency agreements.