Alves Athaíde - Advogados e Associados Ir para o menu principal Ir para o conteudo principal


Know your rights

Planejamento Sucessório

Estate Planning

Direito Empresarial

Business Law

Criminal Law and Corporate Criminal Procedure

Transporte e Logística

Transportation and logistics

Provide legal certainty, seek savings alternatives and carry out their assessments, point out and quantify risks, with attitudes focused on the economic results of our customers.

Conheça The office

Ricardo Alves Athaíde is a founding partner of Alves Athaíde Advogados Associados, has been working in law, agribusiness, business and corporate law for over 18 years, in national and international processes and procedures, and has strategic partners in the United States of America, allowing to expand the provision of its legal services to jurisdictions other than just the Brazilian one.

Há mais  de 20 anos em diversas área do Direito

Há mais

de 18 anos

em diversas área do Direito



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